View Full Version : Units for velocities in forward motion/vertically

October 13th 05, 10:43 AM
Hello Group!

I have flown gliders in Sweden for some ten years, and vonder what the
units are for forward motion (in Sweden [km/h]) and vertical velocity
(in Sweden [m/s]).

I am asking this since I am writing a small program to be used on
The program will be kind of a "pocket-simulator" that, given
McGready-value and wind
1) gives the optimal speed,
2) having the optimal speed given as per 1) and an altitude it
calculates the possible distance that You can glide.
3) Having a distance and a speed as per 1) it can determine the
altitude needed to travel that distance.

All it needs is a polar-curve that will be least-square fitted into a

I can write an article of how this is done but I need someone that have
a webpage where it can be published. Anyone? Mail me directly at
matti_overmark @ hotmail dot com

Thanks in advance!
