View Full Version : Rotec Engines

November 14th 05, 06:18 AM
I've started a Yahoo group for people who are interested in the
Rotec Radial Engines.

I've uploaded an "E-Drawing" of the engine to the files section.
With the free viewer available from Solidworks, you can zoom,
rotate, measure and add comments to the model. You can also
export an STL if you want a 3d print of it, or if you want to import
it to a cad program. This model is what I use to plan the installation
and it isn't fully detailed.

This, by the way, is the _ONLY_ solid model of a usable aircraft engine
available for free on the internet. Correct me if I'm wrong. The model
was made in part from drawings downloaded from Rotec, and from
measurements off my own engine. It is, of course, in no way certified
as an accurate or reliable model, nor am I in any way connected with
Rotec except as a customer.

I hope to make this model an interactive feature of the group. For
example, right now the model has a rough idea for an exhaust manifold on
it. You can download the file, look it over, add comments and then
upload it into a new file. You can add notes and comments right to the
model. That might be fun. And anyone who has a good cad program can
make more direct contributions to the effort, like modeling a Bing 64
carburetor, say.

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John Kimmel

I think it will be quiet around here now. So long.
