View Full Version : Iran: The Next Neocon Target

April 7th 06, 09:42 AM
Whose War? (Israel's war)?:


Esteemed intelligence author/writer James Bamford conveys in his 'A
Pretext for War' book how the intelligence was 'selected' to get the
long desired Iraq invasion going for the traitorous serving Israel
first JINSA/CSP/PNAC Neocon cabal out of Cheney's office (the paperback
version of 'A Pretext for War' includes an additional chapter on the
AIPAC/Larry Franklin spy case which the serving Israel first US
press/media has hardly covered either). You might also want to take a
look at what Lt. Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski had to say about the Office
of Special Plans which cooked the intel to get the Iraq attack going
for Israel:


PNAC Neocon chairman (and Israel firster traitor to America) will be on
Q & A this coming Sunday.. Read more about his ilk via the following

Thinking about Neoconservatism:


Iran: The Next Neocon Target


Bush and neocons beating war drums for attack on Iran:


Pro-Israel lobby (AIPAC and similar) pushing US to attack Iran for


The www.whatreallyhappened.com call (which addresses the
Mearsheimer/University of Chicago study on the pro-Israel lobby CONTROL
of our Congress) comes at about 9 minutes and 33 seconds into the
segment with Representative Juanita Millender-McDonald which one can
access after clicking on the link for it after accessing the following
URL link (the call which comes at the end of the segment mentions how
AIPAC is for 'educational' purposes and should be allowed to continue
paying for Congressional trips to Israel:


Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald (D-CA), House Administration Cmte
Ranking Member
Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald (D-CA), House Administration Cmte
Ranking Member discusses lobbying reform legislation - especially what
might happen with pensions for members who leave under a cloud, and
rules governing travel by House members. The Administration Committee
today has a markup on these issues and is one of five House committees
that have been assigned to handle portions of a lobbying reform bill
(HR 4975).
25 min.

April 7th 06, 12:50 PM
I'm not convinced Iran actually exists: just as with the 1980 hostages,
there seem to be roving bands of thugs, as soon as one of them approaches
compromise with us, another one pushes them over. Iranians must realy be
suicidal to allow the mudsucking masochists who built Chernobyl to put
reactors on top of their quake faults? The problem is not Islam, it is
Nasser, Aflaq, Uspesky, Nesselrode, manifested as Putin's Persyrus Obshina
criminal enterprise. The Cold War never ended, it only paused.

- = -
Vasos-Peter John Panagiotopoulos II, Columbia'81+, Bio$trategist
BachMozart ReaganQuayle EvrytanoKastorian
---{Nothing herein constitutes advice. Everything fully disclaimed.}---
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