View Full Version : Spratt Report

Karl Striedieck
August 29th 07, 02:38 AM
The venerable bionic gate/CD/author Charlie Spratt was in the hospital a
couple times over the last few weeks, but seems to have weathered these
additional medical inconveniences with no loss of spirit or capabilities.

He had lens implants for cataracts and can now see well enough to start
building models again. He said it took three minutes per eye and he can see
without glasses now.

He had been having chest pains in the area of his heart for some months but
passed it off as indigestion or effects of medications. However, a couple
weeks ago the pain became so bad one night that he drove himself to the
hospital at 2AM. Arriving at the emergency entrance he opened the car door
and fell out on the tarmac, fortunately right in front of two nurses
returning from a break. He was soon diagnosed as having a severely
restricted artery and balloon angioplasty to open the artery was

Later, he had a stint inserted to keep the artery open.

While some of us might regard the multitude of health related procedures
that "The Gate" has experienced as foreboding or disheartening, not so with
him. He is upbeat and sharp and can still crack a joke at any time.

On a return visit to the hospital to have the artery operation incision area
(crotch) checked for proper healing, the nurse commanded him to bare all.
When the visual inspection was complete Charlie said: "Well how does it
look?" The nurse replied; "Very good, Mr Spratt" And Charlie said "And how
about the incision!"

The Gate said the nurse almost collapsed laughing.
