View Full Version : Re: ID please

No Name
February 15th 08, 06:08 AM
Not to reveal anyone's planespotter tricks of the trade or anything, but this one was pretty easy. It has the model designation (OS-2C) painted on the rudder.

But if you didn't see that, it's a tandem 2-seater, so it must be an observation plane or scout bomber, not a pursuit.
It's a fairly hefty, steel-tube framed, fabric-covered biplane, typical construction of the 1920's-1930's
Large radial engine with early-model NACA cowl ring, and massive wheel pants, confirms design era as early 1930's.
It's got star roundels on the upper wing top surface, so it must be USA military, not foreign (looks sorta French though).
It's got an arresting hook in front of the tailwheel, so it must be carrier-based Navy.
It has no squadron markings or pretty paintjob, so it's probably a factory prototype.
In the Navy model designation system in use in the 1930's,
OS = Observation Scout
2 = second model of that type built by this manufacturer
C = Curtis


Steven P. McNicoll
February 15th 08, 07:55 PM
> wrote in message
> Not to reveal anyone's planespotter tricks of the trade or anything, but
> this one was pretty > easy. It has the model designation (OS-2C) painted
> on the rudder.

No it doesn't.
