View Full Version : Blog COMMENTS

October 3rd 08, 05:59 AM
To All:

If you have left a COMMENT for an article in my blog, the computer
advises me of that fact by sending me an email. The email shows the
first line or two of your comment then asks if I want to publish the
comment, reject it or modify it, providing a button for each. If I'm
busy I usually hit the PUBLISH button and go on with whatever I was
doing when the email arrived.

The point here is that I don't read every COMMENT.

Today (Thursday, 2 Oct 2008) I was skimming through the blog looking
for something (it really needs an index!) when I noticed a comment
that contained a question. It was a long comment and the question was
down near the bottom. I would not have seen it when the system asked
if I wanted to publish or reject the comment. It was a fairly basic
question, something that would have taken only a moment to answer IF

Better late than never, right? So I start to write an answer... but
there's no address to send it to.

If you have a question I'll be happy to answer it, if I can. About
half the time, I can't. [This guru business isn't all it's cracked up
to be :-) ] But I may be able to point you toward someone who can, or
suggest a manual that may contain the answer. Be sure to provide a
valid e-mail address.

