NAF 1173-2 Navy Fighter Control Stick Grip WWII Vintage Ends 8/11 by
Please check out my eBay auction for a control stick handle for a WWII
vintage Navy Fighter.
Item number: 320014214925
Possibly from an F4U Corsair, F4F Wildcat, F6F Hellcat, or others from
1940's. This would be great for aircraft restoration, Markings include
NAF 1173-2, a logo with initials that...
August 7th 06 05:07 AM
by Sir+
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3,694 |
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2,654 |
June 6th 06 09:11 PM
by A-Hall
0 |
3,486 |
Repair Radio Transmitter (pub) by
Réparations Emetteurs Avions, Bateaux et Terrestres - Transmitter
Fournitures Aéronautique et Marine - Piles et Accumulateurs -
Composants obsolètes - Amplificateurs large bande
Pièces appareils de mesures tableaux de bord - Antennes HF, VHF, UHF -
Câbles - Réglages sur terrain
May 24th 06 10:19 AM
by F1GBY
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2,455 |
Relisting and reserve lowered for Murphy Moose + avionics on eBay by
Bernard Bélisle
RELISTING " RESERVE LOWERED". ADD Hi-tech to your bird
Or eBay item number: 4641211045
0 |
2,331 |
Welding question: 43-13-1B, Fig.4-43 by
Subject figure shows how to splice a streamlined tube. It seems to be
saying use the same thickness/dimensions as the part being repaired,
saw the trailing edge, force it open, and slip the splice over the part
being repaired. Let's minimize bending the splice material by slipping
it over the strut...
May 15th 06 02:36 PM
by Mike
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2,136 |
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2,409 |
Help identifying a hydraulic fitting by
I'm trying to identify a hydraulic fitting I don't recognize.
Photos and description can be seen online at:
Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks! Larry
May 10th 06 07:55 PM
by larry
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2,429 |
SWRFI ! by
Richard Lamb
South West Regional Fly In
Next Weekend - Hondo, Texas
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2,270 |
Removing a finger strap by
Michael Horowitz
Assume a finger strap around a tube and you wish to save the tube.
How do you 'unweld'/remove the finger strap?
Can't chuck the piece. so I'm thinking grinding with an angle grinder
is the secret.
Anyone got thoughts? - Mike
0 |
2,541 |
EAA Chapter 216 CRoss Keys NJ Photos by
EAA Chapter 216 CRoss Keys NJ Photos
Lots of stuff this year. Different stuff each day, but Sundays Fly-In
was much better. Including a Jet fly-by (N29DJ). That was the 1st jet
I've seen at Cross Keys. Unfortunately I had too much lens for a full
side shot, I still got a coming & going shot. I...
0 |
2,568 |
FA: To add Hi-Tech avionics on your project by
Bernard Bélisle
Want to add hi-tech to your Murphy Moose... or any other project. Look at
this on eBay:
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2,473 |
How To Spot a Radium Gauge (?) by
Ben Abzug
Hi, I recently purchased a Mach Meter with the intention of partially
disassembling it and installing the front portion of the gauge in my
truck. (bit of an aviation nut?). Anyway, it donned on my that the
gauge face may have been screened in Radium paint. How can I find out
if this is the case...
1 |
2,898 |
Online Videos: THUNDERBOLT!, US Bombers vs Rommel & Catapulting on a WW2 CV by
Zenos Druve-In
Zeno's Warbird Video Drive-In May 2006 Newsletter
Hello All -
You are invited to drop by http://www.zenoswarbirdvideos.com and watch
this month's World War II aviation features for free online video
viewing. "
* At the Matinee we're showing a Spring Triple Feature, "Thunderbolt!,"
one of the...
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2,950 |
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2,627 |
6 |
2,290 |
Wing Stands by
I need a drawing for a homemade wing stand for my C-170A wings. can
anyone help?
April 30th 06 09:37 PM
by C-170A
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2,304 |
On ebay by
At this time on ebay : http://search.ebay.fr/_W0QQsassZaeroelipseQQhtZ-1
Picture of Djinn So1221
Picture of Concorde F-WTSS
book of SABRE F-86A
Technical Data for SO 4060 Vautour II
Technical Data for Mirage F
Technical Data for Mirage III F
Technical Data for Mirage F3
Technical Data for Breguet...
0 |
2,607 |
Bending sheet stock by
Michael Horowitz
I ordered some .020 4130 sheet about12x36
I notice the writing on the sheet runs parallel to the 12" edge.
Do I understand then that the grain of the steel is parallel to the
If I plan on bending this sheet, is there harm in bending across the
grain? - Mike
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2,127 |
Temporary, portable sand blasting 'cabinet'?? by
Michael Horowitz
I can use the club's compressor, but I need to bring my bead-blaster
to that location.
Looking for schemes for erecting a temporary, portable sand blasting
'cabinet'. Thinking of something large enough for a rudder or smaller
if we can insert half of the work at a time.
Thinking of a poly-sheet...
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1,580 |