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Earth shattering news for GNSS, commercial availability of Chip ScaleAtomic Clock (CSAC) by macpacheco
Earth shattering news for GNSS, commercial availability of Chip Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC) For 1st generation CSAC, amazing: 16 cc volume (1 cu inch) 35 grams weight 115mW of power 4 orders of magnitude better clock stability than typical frequency
(Multi-page thread 1 2)
January 20th 11 09:06 AM
by macpacheco Go to last post
11 5,580
I have a dream. A GPS/SBAS/QZSS dream ! In honour of MLK day. by macpacheco
I have a dream. All IIA satellites retired. All IIF satellites in orbit. L2C signal set fully healthy with 19 operational satellites (12 IIF + 7 IIRM). L5 signal set healthy even though only 12 IIF satellites are broadcasting it. But their ranging signals are as perfect as predicted, not enough for...
January 19th 11 12:39 AM
by macpacheco Go to last post
2 4,176
iPhone or iPad VFR GPS by A L
I am hesitating between buying the iPhone 4 and the iPad (or else?) to use as a VFR GPS. One of the attractive feature of the iPad is the larger screen but it is also one of the drawback... Apparently the iPhone has an internal Gyroscope which the iPad does not have (might be added on the iPad...
January 17th 11 11:56 AM
by Elvise Go to last post
3 4,659
IMC and Cloud encounters - Videos by [email protected]
I have uploaded a series of videos that some may be interested in viewing of my cloud and IMC encounters Cloud and IMC encounters - 2005 - Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29Ok0126pfw My encounters with clouds in 2005 Eight minute video includes a VOR approach down to minimums, ILS approach...
January 3rd 11 01:33 AM
by [email protected] Go to last post
0 3,362
Elite and CH Flight Sim Yoke - USB by tscottme
Is anyone using or know for a fact that you can use the Ch Products Flight Sim Yoke-USB with Elite sim? I am specifically asking if you have the throttle/prop/mixture functionality of that yoke while using Elite. I would like to fly the Mooney and Bonanza but I don't want to buy a separate...
December 21st 10 11:34 PM
by GApilot Go to last post
3 5,462
64 182 EMERGENCY FIRE SALE NOW by Victor Bravo
Posting for a friend. Photos on Barnstormers.com under Cessna 182 64 182 EMERGENCY FIRE SALE NOW • $28,500 • YOU SNOOZE, YOU LOSE • Real estate deal needs down payment THIS week otherwise A/C not for sale. In annual and flying now while restoration is in progress. Need strip/ paint/interior....
December 15th 10 07:20 PM
by Victor Bravo Go to last post
0 3,061
OT Airliner Control Wheel by tscottme
727 Control Wheel http://www.angelfire.com/il2/aphs/27wh.jpg "297" 737 Control Wheel http://www.angelfire.com/il2/aphs/37wheel.jpg "495" Can someone tell me what the conrol on the right horn of the 727 and 737 control wheel ? In the pictures linked above I've listed the number "dialed in" on...
December 7th 10 07:27 PM
by Sam Spade Go to last post
5 4,566
Suppose your currency has lapsed. Say 7 months ago you did 3 approaches and then 3 months ago you did a hold, VOR tracking and 3 more approaches. Your currency has lapsed. Would flying 3 approaches under the hood make you current, or since your currency has lapsed would you have to do all 6 plus...
October 22nd 10 06:23 AM
by Mike Adams[_2_] Go to last post
1 2,853
Heli Pilot Wanted - FS Fayetteville by Brian[_8_]
FlightSafety is looking for a turbine rated heli instructor at a new Center in Louisiana More details available. Brian W
October 12th 10 03:27 PM
by Brian[_8_] Go to last post
0 2,671
VFR Practise Approaches by ChristianFro
If an approach says DME required but I dont have DME, can I still execute a VFR practise approach? On GPS (RNAV) approaches, can I deviate from the published procedures with permission from the Tower or controlling agency if I am doing a VFR practise approach? I.E. Altitude deviation for a...
(Multi-page thread 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
October 5th 10 01:11 PM
by [email protected] Go to last post
67 9,541
Bi-Ennual Flight Review (BFR) with ATC COMS - Video. by [email protected]
Bi-Ennual Flight Review (BFR) with ATC COMS - Video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjRO3BoBPRA I was rather ambitious on what I wanted to review during this flight of one being how to operate the King GPS for approaches. Interestingly enough, that was the only thing I could not do since the GPS...
August 18th 10 05:38 PM
by brian whatcott Go to last post
6 3,520
online flight log book testing by Iņigo
Hi pilots I recommend you all our last release of flight log book software that you may use for free at our website, flylogs.com. it supports all type of flights and aircrafts world wide. We are developing it continuously and we hope to see you there and give us your ideas in the contact form...
July 28th 10 09:36 AM
by Iņigo Go to last post
0 2,904
Flight log book recomendation by Iņigo
Hi pal i recommend you all our last release of flight log book software that you may use for free at our website, flylogs.com. it supports all type of flights and aircrafts world wide. We are developing it continuously and we hope to see you there and give us your ideas in the contact form...
July 28th 10 09:31 AM
by Iņigo Go to last post
0 2,609
Avoiding Volcanic Ash by brian whatcott
Flying back from Amsterdam to DFW on friday with KLM, I saw that we headed north for Denmark, then turning west, passed to the north of Iceland. Then crossing the southern half of Greenland and into Canada, we proceeded across the Hudson Bay, and passed West of ALL the Great Lakes, and then on...
July 2nd 10 10:43 AM
by Peter[_6_] Go to last post
6 2,866
Ipad review - Weather briefing Part 1 - Video by Herbert Paulis
I have also considered using the iPad for my flying but it says in its specs that it is only certified for operation up to 3000m, i.e. roughly 10,000ft. This in my optinion severly limits its usage for flying, together with the missing GPS. regards Herbert schrieb im...
June 28th 10 05:53 PM
by Peter[_6_] Go to last post
3 3,923
Symposium on IFRS Implementation by Sena Chary
Relevante Invites you for its upcoming symposium “IFRS Implementation”: Event Date: June 16th 2010 Event Location: The Conference Center at Penn State Great Valley, Malvern, PA, (USA). Event Overview: IFRS Implementation: Learning’s from Early Adopters Topics Include:
May 19th 10 05:47 PM
by Bob Moore Go to last post
4 3,192
Haiti by Gulfside
I flew releif missions into Haiti for a 2.5 month period after the earthquake. While "in theater" we would operate between Santiago D.R. (MDST) to various outlying areas of Haiti. Typically, flying would begin at MDST around daybreak and end after dark. Now that the stage is set, here is the...
May 18th 10 03:17 PM
by Gulfside Go to last post
0 2,468
Unpublished GPS fixes on ILS approaches by Evan Salant
With the Garmin 430W (and presumably the 530 as well) when one flies certain approaches the Garmin has you fly to fixes that appear nowhere on the published approach plate. For example, if you fly the ILS24 approach at ABE from STW (Stillwater) IAF, the Garmin will have you fly from STW to D16.5...
May 8th 10 08:24 PM
by brian whatcott Go to last post
7 3,603
My final flight as owner in N1943L - Video by nate_fl
On Apr 29, 8:30*pm, " wrote: My final flight as owner in N1943L - Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lP7dkpeXi6w Sold my airplane so this is the final video with me owning Sundowner One Niner Four Three Lima.... *Video speaks for itself. *It was...
May 5th 10 01:11 PM
by [email protected] Go to last post
1 2,917
3 ILS approaches into KJAN with ATC COMS - Video by [email protected]
3 ILS approaches into KJAN with ATC COMS - Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d53XwaE4cZM Ceilings were perfect for more IMC time. FAF of ALLEN is 2200 and ceilings were averaging 1800 give or take so I knew I would be in the middle of the action All en-route portions were timelapsed...
April 18th 10 04:23 PM
by [email protected] Go to last post
6 2,926
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