%%%%HOW TO BE FUNNY!%%%% by
Expert Humor
You too can learn to be funny in just 7 days flat:
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Illegal Immigration, the Non-Issue of the Week?????????????? by
Expert Humor
The way our politicians rushed to talk about
illegal immigration this week, maybe they thought it
came with a free lunch. They won't do anything about it,
but it will get them some money. The Expert provides
the details at:
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GPS Use In Canada by
Can IFR-certified GPS be used to substitute for NDBs in Canada when
navigating an airway?
I'm a US-certificated pilot flying a US-registered plane. I'd like to
take advantage of lower MEAs in western Canada provided by airways.
Many of the airways appear to be between NDBs. If my ADF is known...
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Printing IAPs by
This has bugged me...I'm trying to print a few IAPs for an upcoming
trip but I can't figure out how to get them to print the standard
size...everything I'm doing ends up blown up to a full size 8.5x11
I've got the files from AOPA and the FAA website and both do the same
thing. Anybody have...
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Need help with Narco LORAN LRN 840 by
Benjamin Gawert
I got an old NARCO LRN-840 LORAN-C that I want to reanimate. Sadly I
only got the unit itself, no manuals or cables. What I need is a pinout
of the rear card-edge connector and informations about what voltage it
requires etc. If someone has a manual as pdf or any other electronic
format it would be...
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Practice IMC in real IMC by
I want to practice maneuvers, descending turns and basic manual
maneuvering in IMC conditions. Is it possible to get ATC to assign you
a 'practice area' in real IMC environment? Say a block of airspace
like they do for aerobatics? Of course I would first do this with a
Previous all...
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March 28th 06 09:13 AM
by Roger
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March 26th 06 08:09 PM
by Mike
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Lonely up there? by
paul kgyy
It appeared to be a long time since last hearing from ATC on a recent
flight, and sure enough, "27D can you still hear us?". I still could,
and they transferred me to a local approach control.
Anybody ever just call them up to see if they forgot about you? I did
that once over Toledo.
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Naming Fixes by
Who says the FAA doesn't have a sense of humor? Today's Wall Street
Journal has an article (beginning on page 1, no less) relating to the
FAA's humor in naming fixes.
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Saftey Pilot by
Richard Ross
If an instrument rated saftey pilot files an IFR flight plan on a VMC day,
can the student inst. pilot legally log simulated instrument time while
under the hood?
The liability of the flight will rest entirely with the instrument rated
saftey pilot. However, for the purpose of logging simulated...
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FAA Screws Up Again by
ALEXANDRIA, Va. - A manager at an Arizona flight school that trained one
of the Sept. 11 pilot-hijackers testified at the Zacarias trial
Wednesday that she called the Federal Aviation Administration with
concerns over his qualifications for a pilot license, but her concerns
were dismissed by an FAA...
March 22nd 06 10:39 PM
by Newps
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Preferred routes to Canada by
Does anybody know where I can get preferred IFR routes when
coming back from the USA, say from Teteboro to Oshawa?
I have the rotue when going to Teteboro
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KLN94 updates with Sandisk writer - unit-specific? by
Peter Clark
On Sun, 29 Jan 2006 12:31:20 +0000, wrote:
I have a KLN94 and have been offered one of the old Sandisk compact
flash writers (USB) that Bendix King used to sell.
I know that if one downloads the data into a laptop and uses the cable
to transfer it to the KLN94, that data...
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