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Old September 21st 04, 04:54 PM
external usenet poster
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From: "Leadfoot"
Date: 9/21/2004 9:01 AM Central Daylight Time
Message-id: zuW3d.330293$Oi.227911@fed1read04

"B2431" wrote in message

From: "Leadfoot"

Date: 9/20/2004 11:31 PM Central Daylight Time
Message-id: D8O3d.329675$Oi.320638@fed1read04


"It was an error that was made, however, in good faith and in the

of trying to carry on a CBS News tradition of investigative reporting
fear or favoritism.

Please know that nothing is more important to us than people's trust in
our ability and our commitment to report fairly and truthfully. "

No favoritism?
Running a bash-the-candidate story 8 weeks before the election?
That's a new definition of fair to me.
Where is the bash Kerry story that should be there for balance?

Give them a good story to bash Kerry with. I think at the moment CBS

kill for one.

Unfortunately for the repugnants is that the latest on Kerry's medals is
that they were all awarded legitimately according to a navy investigation

a DOD press release on Friday (the day to release news you want ignored)

I have to admit that I understand why people would think Shrub is

You have to be really dumb to go to Vietnam if you don't have to. ;-)

Ignoring the slam on those of who went to Viet Nam voluntarily

It's sarcasm, did you see the ;-) ?

why not dredge
up kerry's political history? He won't talk about it. Maybe he has

something to

I could forgive bush being AWOL if he'd just talk about it.

Prove he was AWOL. He was never cited for it or such proof would surely have
been presented by now.

Still wouldn't
vote for the moron.

My vote will be more anti-bush than pro Kerry. Getting us into a needless
war is a firing offense. Not properly planning for the occupation of Iraq
is a second firing offense.

BTW Kerry killed a man to protect his crew and his boat. I think he has
what it takes to protect the US.

He was a company grade officer. That alone doesn't make him qualified. What is
his political record? Why does he slam Bush instead of telling us about his OWN
glowing achievemnts?

Dan, U.S. Air Force, retired