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Old July 10th 03, 01:29 AM
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

: I currently have the Cross Country. I had an original 20K, then the
: 25XL. The Cross Country is better in all respects except one. It does
: not have the auto shutoff feature. It is much more comfortable, it is

The XC-2 does have that, I believe. If I try to get a new one,
that's probably what I'd do.

: quieter and best of all it is not bulky like the ones with that god
: awful big foam ear seal and head band pad. The big foam ones always
: felt a little flimsy to me, the Cross Country is put together a lot
: better.

It looks (from the pictures) that the little wires that hold the
earpieces to the headband seem flimsy. Not true?


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