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Old August 21st 05, 10:55 PM
Chris G.
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

Seth Masia wrote:
I'd add that the nature of the flying, and the length of the missions,
depends in part on the size of your state and the type of terrain. Out of
Redding you may fly grid patterns over the valley, or contour searches in
some pretty wild mountainous terrain. The other SAREX mission profiles are
route search and, on a search with widely scattered grids, high
communications relay, which means flying a holding pattern way up there and
working the radios accurately, and continually, for three or four hours.

Ahhh, the "Highbird" I did that at the John Day SAREX a few years
ago and loved it. We tootled around at 10,000 MSL for 3.1 hrs on
station. I can remember that was a long flight, but it was a good one.
