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Old January 23rd 06, 08:06 PM posted to rec.aviation.piloting
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Default Plane for the kids

One of my hangar neighbors has bought two 56 172's over the last couple
of years, one for his kid to learn in. He paid about $23K for each.
Cessna 150/152's are horrible at even our field elevation of 3650, you
can't give one of those away around here. The older 172's perform
pretty well and you won't lose any money when you sell it.

Robert M. Gary wrote:

My kids have flown around in my Mooney their entire lives. Now they are
getting close to the teen years and I'm thinking of buying them a plane
and teaching them to fly in it. I've got a few years before they are
old enough but I'm starting to think about it. Some group suggestions
would be appreciated...

1) If I buy the plane just long enough for them to learn to fly can I
aviod California sales/use tax by being a dealer? How long can a dealer
hold the plane? If I only need the plane for 12 months or so, it would
be sad to have to pay 9% sales tax on the plane.
2) I'm throwing around the best plane to teach them in that would be
fun and not too expensive for dad. I'm thinking maybe a Taylorcraft or
a Lucsome. I learned in a Cessna 140 so that might be a good choice
too. I could just buy them a C150 but having something fun for dad to
fly (i.e. Aeronca, etc) would make it all the better!
3) Has anyone else on the list taught their kids to fly? I do know of
two other CFIs that have done this. The kids loved it. However, once
they finished their private life seems to prevent much other flying
until they establish in a career. I figure the boys will be pretty busy
with scouts, high school, and trying to get into a good college they
will want to earn their private and then set it aside for some years.

-Robert, CFI