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Old March 4th 07, 09:19 PM posted to rec.aviation.military.naval
[email protected]
external usenet poster
Posts: 2
Default Question For Old Naval Aviators

Accch! m'poor bairns... I'll give y'warp factor eight and maybe a wee
bit more.


How close d'ya think I am to getting my multiple IRS CID pizza
delivery rewards, laddie?

Stay tuned, laddie

I'll have that e-mail account fashioned for you real soon which will
direct you to a private yahoo!group.

The Ambassador for the Government of Israel(by you proxying the
message on my behalf), the Chief of Squad 3 of the Cleveland, Ohio
FBI, his top agent in Squad 3, Mike Vahue, Gregory A White, the US
Attorney for the Judicial District of Northern Ohio and two others
from law enforcement will be the only members of the yahoo!group.

Mikey...Once again, Mr. Spock is doon on the planet's surfce w'Captain

One more try at the Gaelic Mind Meld, laddie????



Your excellency.

Just like Bruno Tataglia's son had to excuse himself in front of
Hollywood Actor, Sterling Hayden , for needing to talk "italian to
michael correleone"-- I need to excuse myself to talk "faux gaelic to

Accchhh! y'daft beastie...are y'deef as well as dumb? y'no ken
what I'm talking to you aboot,laddie?

Nooohh, Mikey... Of course, I believe your a traitor to the US Flag...
but the danger to the possible collection of m'multiple IRS CID Pizza
Delivery rewards is if those above you attempt to marginalize your
presence/participation once you forward the message.

Who knows more aboot these 34 murders than you, correct m'wee bairn?

While some of your superiors who know less may "pooh pooh" the
suggestions and say,"Oh...whoopy! Scotty couldna' even get "manual
override" t'work in even ONE episode of Star Trek... how is he ever
going to be able t'compel us to surrender before the Chief of Squad 3
of the Cleveland, Ohio FBI?"

That's why they need YOU, Mikey... Uncle Sam doesna' need YOU, Mikey
nearly as much as your evil Israeli overlords do!

Noohhh ..there isna' any BEST OPTION...

...there can only be a "least worst option" for the GOI....

...and that will be to hope US Attorney White accepts my plan; details
of which will be enumerated in that Yahoo!Group--- I told y'that I
wouldna' ask anybody t'buy a "pig in a poke", did I no?