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Old February 27th 19, 06:37 PM posted to rec.aviation.soaring
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Posts: 2
Default Strobe light on glider

On Tuesday, 24 January 2017 19:12:54 UTC+1, Paul Agnew wrote:
I remember watching a documentary on WWII camouflage techniques and am reminded of one counter-intuitive technique that actually used bright lights in daylight to make equipment on the horizon visually disappear. I often ponder the true effectiveness of running with lights on in small powered planes during the day and whether there have been any studies to support the validity of this practice.

Now, you've got me wondering about the effectiveness of bright strobe strips during daylight flights.


Paul A.
Treasure Coast Soaring Club
Vero Beach, FL

My guess is that strobe helps to see a glider under the cloud base. Also helps during sunset.