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Old August 27th 04, 03:02 AM
Steven P. McNicoll
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

"BOB" wrote in message ...

Those '527 groups' that Bush objects to are grass root organizations
that are pooling their and their donor's resources to have a voice in
the political process. Without those groups, then only companies and
rich individuals will have enough money to participate. The Bush
campaign would *love* that.

That describes the Swift Boat Vets.

Except that they sold out to the repugnant party and lost all credibility

lying about Kerry.

The Swift Boat Vets are not affiliated with any political party. This is
not a political issue for them at all.

But the Swift Boat Vets have NOT been proven to be lying. Why would
they lie?

Because they are republicans and lying comes with that territory.

Some of them are Republicans, some of them Democrats.