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Old April 30th 08, 08:39 PM posted to rec.aviation.piloting
Big John
external usenet poster
Posts: 310
Default PIREP - EnV Smart Phone

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008 17:26:28 GMT, "Jay Honeck"

I just upgraded and was about to order the LG EnV when I realized that the
LG Voyager had *real* internet access and not the Mobile Web 2.0. In other
words, you can see most HTM-based web pages in a usable (albeit slow)
manner. The touch screen is pretty good and compares closer to the iPhone
than the Chocolate. CNET compared the iPhone and Voyager and the Voyager
edged-out the iPhone overall but lost in the touch screen category.

I found the "real" internet interface to be too slow for practical use, at
least around here. (Maybe your uplink speed is faster in your market?)
Mobile Web lets me access pared-down versions of many web pages quickly and
in a way that better-fits the diminutive screens these smart phones possess.
I'm able to access my email, ADDS weather, and a gazillion other websites
using the EnV, so I'm satisfied with it.

As for the touch screen, Joe has had endless troubles with his Chocolate's
touch screen. It's just too easy to hit the wrong thing, and the screen
itself is very vulnerable. I'm hard on phones, since they hang from my belt
and I'm constantly up on ladders and moving heavy stuff around the hotel, so
I didn't want that pretty screen hanging out in the open. Because of this I
opted for the non-touch-screen version, and trust that I won't destroy it
quite as easily.

I personally refuse to pay $10 a month for the GPS--especially when I,
like you, put out the cash for the Garmin 496. I've used the 496 in
automotive mode a number of times during both aviation and non-aviation
trips and it definitely does the job. I would feel like I wasted some of
the extra $$ I spent on the 496 over the 396 if I didn't use it for auto
guidance during aviation trips.

My package combines GPS and Mobile Web, so the GPS is essentially free.

As for the 496, I've felt like I wasted $3K buying it virtually from Day One
of owning it, so I'm used to feeling ripped off. It's a barely adequate GPS
that happens to provide the only decent on-board weather interface
available. XM makes it worth putting up with...for now.


I had trouble with cell phones 'on my belt' (had a couple come off and
lost) so got a neck strap and hang around my neck with phone laying on
my chest or stuck in my shirt pocket if shirt has one. If I am working
around rotating machinery or doing anything that the phone and strap
could get caught in I just slip the phone down the neck of my shirt
until I get back to my normal days activity. Works for me )

My phone is a flip top with cover and screen doesn't get dinged inside
my shirt or in shirt pocket.

Big John