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Old December 17th 04, 06:59 AM
external usenet poster
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There's got to be some
great stories about bagging an ace, or like you said Ed, taking out an Eagle
in a Talon. Or a Scooter bagging a Hornet. Or even an Intruder or 'Vaark
getting the drop on someone! So let me grab you a pint, pull up a chair,
and let the bragging begin! "There I was..."


There I was in MAWS Medium Attack Warefare school at Whidbey. I think it was
mid 80's They sometimes called MAWS Top Bomb. Cdr Roy Lundean was OIC of the
school. Other than bombing we also talked about AA stuff and considerations for
getting the bad guys to go some place else while you pressed the target to kill
a lot of bad guys. Instead of killing one at a time.
Our graduation flight was:
We had a joint (USAF) attack at Saylor Creek at mountain home AFB the mission
was High altitude transit and rendevous with the Varks over Baker VOR Then to
the entry point of the low level 200 miles of low altitude with the Varks
detaching about 1/2 way around since we didn't go fast enough. Low altitude
delivery on various tgts in the range then off target to Mountain home for a
landing. I was the strike lead of 8 Intuders and I think there were 4 Varks. I
think our load out was constructive Rockeyes and one Aim 9. On the Intruder we
could only do boresight shots with the heater. We actually had a few blue tubes
so I got one hung on my plane as well as some of the other Intruders. Our
tactic during the low altitude was called the goose. I was in the front my wing
man was 1 mile at my 6 the rest were in battle box 1 mile abeam each other on
back. Roy was dash last so he could evaluate and keep an eye on things. We
were opposed by Vipers from Hill AFB. So everything is going great off on the
Low level the Varks take a split We see the vipers way up high and they don't
see us and go after the varks. About that time we are cooking along at about
420 and here comes 2 F-4's across my nose right to left at about 1 mile. I
couldn't believe my luck. (Later we learned they were just some Happy Hooligans
out on a low level that crossed through the MOA) About the time I saw them
they saw me. I called on tactical the interlopers and decided that I would
take a shot at the lead. I had my BN set up the AIM-9 on the ACU, Master Arm ON
The lead started a climbing left turn against a clear blue sky I pulled up got
a tone took a shot then rolled back right and resumed the LL my wingman shot
the F-4 wing man and he resumed. Since they saw us make a move on them they
started to return the favor I'm sure at some point when they looked down and
relazed the armada of Intruders they just started to roll in on us and after
about 3 attacks Roy comes up on guard and tells them to go away they are
already dead.
Mean while the goose makes it to the Tgt good bombs on tgt. They have smoky
sams being shot at us. what fun! We land at Mountain Home and go to the bunker
for the debrief.
So there is my F-4 kill story. Mean while the Vark guys come in all PO'ed
because the viper guys called a shot on them from like 2 miles astearn with 100
knots opening. These Vark guys are screaming in the phone about the BS shot and
the viper guys finally admitt that it wasn't a good shot so they were suppost
to send them some money.
After that we all loaded up and went out to Scrubbys BBQ just off base. Really
good place and we always made it a point to go there for lunch on our stops
through Mountain Home.