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Old November 4th 04, 01:20 AM
Cecil Chapman
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

Oh, so know disagreeing with you means one is ignorant rather than a
puppet. You are starting to sound like Kerry.

Unfortunately Kerry never said that. But, yes,,, one is truly ignorant, if
they mindlessly espouse the words and ideas of others without ever having
challenged those ideas, themselves.

Every thing you wrote was, literally, the same campaign rhetoric we have
heard from Bush.... The Kerry account is absurd,,, I spoke, at length, with
one of the individuals who served under Kerry. How you could defend a draft
dodger, like Bush; cowardly clinging onto the tails of daddy to get him out
of harms way and into the National Guard is something I cannot help.

Of course, some people think cocaine use, alcoholism and DUI are just fine
examples of a human being and would make FINE presidential material and
moral fiber - Obviously, my ethical bar is higher than your standard....
sad,,, but to each his own I suppose.

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