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Old December 21st 04, 03:44 PM
Stan Prevost
external usenet poster
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"Josef Burger" wrote in message
.. .
What do you use for extra and backup lighting in the cockpit for IFR
flights at night?

Besides the little Photon Microlight hanging around my neck, and the small
two-AA red-lensed flashlight clipped to my shirt, and a few more lights of
various types in trays under both front seats and in my flight bag, I mainly
use a red LED headlamp. It always points where I am looking, whether it be
my kneeboard, the instrument panel in front of me, or the radio stack. I
have tried several: an Eveready, an Energizer, both $13-16 at Target or
WalMart, and a Photon Fusion ($$). The Photon has adjustable brightness,
but also a bunch of unneeded flashing modes. The two lower-cost units are
almost too bright, but work well and have the advantage of simplicity.

When introducing students to night flight, I tell them to not buy any kind
of light, other than maybe a good D-cell or "lantern battery" light for
preflight, until after our first flight. On that flight, I let them try
various kinds of flashlights, then let them try a headlamp, so that they can
choose what suits them based on having tried some things. Invariably they
decide on the headlamp.
