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Old January 7th 07, 08:16 AM posted to rec.aviation.piloting,,
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Default Why does the shuttle throttle on ascent?

"Richard Riley" wrote in message
On Sat, 6 Jan 2007 20:36:52 -0600, "Danny Deger"

Why does the shuttle throttle to 3 Gs on ascent?

Danny Deger

Heck, I still want to know how to go to 103% throttle.

Rather like the old prop jobs (DC-3 comes to mind as an example) that had a
wire across the throttle travel, which serves as a stop for full throttle
during normal operations. If it was needed for an emergency, like an engine
failure on takeoff, you can push through and past the wire for extra
emergency power. (100% plus power)

Of course, on some engines, that was grounds for grounding the aircraft to
inspect the engine, to see if it was damaged from exceeding 100% power.
Jim in NC