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Old January 8th 04, 01:37 PM
external usenet poster
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David Gunter wrote in message ...
These look useless for pilots. Or am I missing something?


I got a set of custom molded earplugs back in the early 80's from an
outfit called Reinearsons (sp)for my Planatronics headset and never
regretted it. Also have a set of the solid soft silicone that were
made for me about the same time for shooting (I did a lot of
competition shooting at the time). they were made for shooters at the
range, took about :15 minutes and cost us $10.00! Of course the
hearing filters are something else as opposed to straight solid plugs
and I suppose worth something?
I usually wore solid plugs under my custom fitted flight helmet while
crop dusting and there is zero doubt it saved much of my hearing while
still allowing me to hear radio.
Selway Kid

Andre wrote:

Custom molded to your ears !
Our in ear monitors have excellent noise isolation while providing
high fidelity!

also custom molded ear plugs!