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For Keith Willshaw...

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Old July 4th 04, 11:27 PM
Keith Willshaw
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

"Denyav" wrote in message
Nice way of dodging some questions.

Nope its an accurate answer

Very obviously.

public hearing before the
committee. All witnesses who retained counsel-Admiral Stark, Admiral
Kimmel, and General Short-were given the opportunity to be examined by
their counsel if they so desired, and to submit questions to committee
counsel to be asked other.

Monkey investigation designed by the designers of Pearl Harbor conspiracy

white wash their actions .Members of congress were only allowed to see

they allowed to see at that time.

Quite the contary, the members of congress drove the inquiry
and were not part of the 1941 administration

See the minority report of the same.

Which is inevitable when irrelevant issues are raised.

Yeah Right,you made it clear before,every evidence if it points to a

other than offical direction is irrelevant.

And yet Stinnet claims that they are in the bnational archive

Yet the very same Stinnett claims that all Crane documents about

pre-Pearl Harbor JN25B dispatches have been removed from Archive II

because of
NSA withdrawal notices and none of then are available to public scholars

even Congressmen.

Actually he says they were transferred from the NSA to the
National Archive and that he got them from there

And thats the truth you can check it for yourself.

I have

NSA have issued almost three dozen withdrawal notices for Crane documents

up to
this date,almost all of them affecting solely pre Pearl Harbor documents.

Those withdrawals are alleged to have happpened in 1999, the congressional
inquiry you mentioned happened 6 years PRIOR to that date

They stated not

I am sure Sen.Thurman and Rep.Spence would strongly disagree with your


Yeah right,then you must ask Marshall why he offered his resignation upon


He was cheif of staff, any honorable man would do the samed

No bananas here bwana, note the last thing Britain wanted in
1941 was war with Japan, it diverted massive resources
away from the war in Europe at a time when the Nazis
were only 150 miles away from

Actually nobody really wanted a war with Japan,but Japan

was,unfortunately the
key to thrust America,a country with a big German-American population but

by an Anglo-American minority,into the war aganist Germany .

Incorrect, there was no treaty requirement for Germany to go to
war, Japan did NOT declare war on the USSR

"As America becomes an increasingly multicultural society,it may find it

difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues ,except in the
circumstances of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external

Zbigniew Brzezinski
Grand Chessboard 1997.

More irrelevance

The architect of Afghan trap was right on 1941,he was also proven right in
There arent too many southern baptists in London old son.

But the threat the London face now is much bigger than the threat

by the corporal or by the French Fleet,England survived under Roman rule

would very probably would have survived under French or German rule,to say


Aint no threat from bananas bwana

Israelis have waited 2000 years to return to their homeland,they could

wait for another 200 years to create the Greater Israel,but its very

if England and London could afford to wait for 20 years.

So you think the Israelis are about to invade Britain !



Old July 5th 04, 12:26 AM
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

Actually he says they were transferred from the NSA to the
National Archive and that he got them from there

Actually the "Days of Deceipt" was based on the first batch of the Crane
documents transfered to College Park.
After the "Days of Deceipt" appeared late 1999,NSA suddenly started issuing
withdrawal notices.
Today all pre-Pearl Harbor dispatches,including ones that Stinnett was able to
see before publishing his book was removed from the Crane files.

And thats the truth you can check it for yourself.

I have

No,you did not,go to College Park and try to see the documents Stinnett
You won't see any now.

Those withdrawals are alleged to have happpened in 1999, the congressional
inquiry you mentioned happened 6 years PRIOR to that date

Transfer of Crane Documents started in 93/94,before 99 only first batch of
documents were released and they were the ones researched by Stinnett.
Congressmens asked for access to Naval storage Vault in Crane IN. in 1995.
Their requests were denied.

He was cheif of staff, any honorable man would do the samed

This honorable man, famous for his photographic memory ,was never be able to
remember his whereabouts on the eve of Pearl Harbor attack.

Memory gaps and word "irrelevant" are very common things in Pearl Harbor story.

Incorrect, there was no treaty requirement for Germany to go to
war, Japan did NOT declare war on the USSR

Both FDR and Churchill knew from Magic intercepts that Hitler had to declare
war on US in case of an US-Japan war.

"As America becomes an increasingly multicultural society,it may find it

difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues ,except in the
circumstances of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external

Zbigniew Brzezinski
Grand Chessboard 1997.

More irrelevance

Actually its absolutely most important part of whole story,it explains why
Pearl Harbor and 9/11 happened and why new Pearl Harbors and 9/11s will happen
even more frequently.
Only one question remains:What are the foreign policy issues?
Are we talking about US foreign policy issues or foreign policy issues of
Anglos,residing in US and UK and in Downunder?

would very probably would have survived under French or German rule,to say

Aint no threat from bananas bwana

Tell that to Sir David,David King to be sure.

So you think the Israelis are about to invade Britain !

No,I think 9/11 ,like its predecessor Pearl Harbor,was again a joint production
of Anglos on both sides of Atlantic.

Old July 5th 04, 08:34 PM
Keith Willshaw
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

"Denyav" wrote in message
Actually he says they were transferred from the NSA to the
National Archive and that he got them from there

Actually the "Days of Deceipt" was based on the first batch of the Crane
documents transfered to College Park.
After the "Days of Deceipt" appeared late 1999,NSA suddenly started

withdrawal notices.

Its 'Day of Deceit' do try and get SOMETHING right, there's a
good conspirowhacko

Today all pre-Pearl Harbor dispatches,including ones that Stinnett was

able to
see before publishing his book was removed from the Crane files.

And thats the truth you can check it for yourself.

I have

No,you did not,go to College Park and try to see the documents Stinnett
You won't see any now.

Nonexistent documents are hard to find.

Those withdrawals are alleged to have happpened in 1999, the

inquiry you mentioned happened 6 years PRIOR to that date

Transfer of Crane Documents started in 93/94,before 99 only first batch of
documents were released and they were the ones researched by Stinnett.
Congressmens asked for access to Naval storage Vault in Crane IN. in 1995.
Their requests were denied.

The inquiry you mentioned happened in 93.

He was cheif of staff, any honorable man would do the samed

This honorable man, famous for his photographic memory ,was never be able

remember his whereabouts on the eve of Pearl Harbor attack.

Actually he recalled it very well, read his memoirs.

Memory gaps and word "irrelevant" are very common things in Pearl Harbor


Only amongst conspirowhackoes

Incorrect, there was no treaty requirement for Germany to go to
war, Japan did NOT declare war on the USSR

Both FDR and Churchill knew from Magic intercepts that Hitler had to

war on US in case of an US-Japan war.

No they didnt, in fact the JAPANESE government was astonished
when Germany declared war.

"As America becomes an increasingly multicultural society,it may find

difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues ,except in

circumstances of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external

Zbigniew Brzezinski
Grand Chessboard 1997.

More irrelevance

Actually its absolutely most important part of whole story,it explains why
Pearl Harbor and 9/11 happened and why new Pearl Harbors and 9/11s will

even more frequently.

Only in your demented brain.

Only one question remains:What are the foreign policy issues?
Are we talking about US foreign policy issues or foreign policy issues of
Anglos,residing in US and UK and in Downunder?

would very probably would have survived under French or German rule,to


Aint no threat from bananas bwana

Tell that to Sir David,David King to be sure.

The only Sir Favid King I know is Chief Scientific Advisor to H. M.
Government and
Head of the Office of Science and Technology

So you think the Israelis are about to invade Britain !

No,I think 9/11 ,like its predecessor Pearl Harbor,was again a joint

of Anglos on both sides of Atlantic.

You are of course incorrect and totally nuts.


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Old July 6th 04, 05:18 AM
external usenet poster
Posts: n/a

ts 'Day of Deceit' do try and get SOMETHING right, there's a
good conspirowhacko

You are really good at correcting typos.
Nonexistent documents are hard to find.

Yeah right,specially after withdrawal notices for non existing documents were

The inquiry you mentioned happened in 93.

They were denied access.period.

Actually he recalled it very well, read his memoirs.

Yeah right,after many years he remembered everything that he could not remember
before Joint Congressional Committee.
He had memory gap before Congressional panel,He lied in his memoirs.

Only amongst conspirowhackoes

Do you call Marchall and posters from other Echelon countries conspirowhackos?

No they didnt, in fact the JAPANESE government was astonished
when Germany declared war.

FDR-Churchill corresponce about Magic proves otherwise.
BTW which channel so called US President used for the discussions about magic
with Mr.Churchill.
Surely not an US one.

Only in your demented brain.

Actually the designer of the "Aghan Trap" is very good in setting traps and
also in exposing already set traps.
US is not an Anglo country,its a multi cultural country and the numbers of
Anglo-Americans in this country is much lower than German-Americans and

Without Pearl Harbor Anglo-Centric policies of Anglo minority ruling class
could never win the support of non Anglo majority.

Similarily,without 9/11 policies of Anglo ruling class could not win the
support of broad population.

BTW What was the original intention of Lord Rhodes ?

The only Sir Favid King I know is Chief Scientific Advisor to H. M.
Government and
Head of the Office of Science and Technology

Congrulations,but do you also know that he exchanged some harsh words with
George W in latters residence and George W.sent an official letter about this
incident to Downing str.10 and complained about this British scientist?

You are of course incorrect and totally nuts.

Officials could only say what they are told to say.

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