View Full Version : Helpful Aviation DVD's

October 27th 05, 02:10 AM

I am selling some more of my aviation DVD's on Ebay if anyone is interested.
They are:

Approach Aviation's "The Educated Owner Series" DVD's:
Volume I: Preventive Maintenance http://tinyurl.com/7movt
Volume II: The Annual Inspection http://tinyurl.com/clt5e
Volume III: Introduction to Aircraft Ownership http://tinyurl.com/cyr63

Rod Machado's DVD's:
Defensive Flying http://tinyurl.com/7z6hy
IFR Flying Tips & Techniques http://tinyurl.com/dvodx

Flying Route 66 DVD - This is one of my favorites! Very artistic,
professional, well written, well made and alluring. http://tinyurl.com/aw8m9

Each of these cost about 30.00 except the Educated Owner Series disks which
were 40 dollars each. I have them each on sale at ebay starting at $5.00.
Good luck. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

