View Full Version : Re: July 17 - Wrongway Corrigan Day

Cub Driver
July 18th 03, 11:25 AM
>Today is the 65th Anniversary of the day Doug Corrigan flew his plane,
>Sunshine, to Ireland, July 17, 1938. He was trying to return home to
>LA, but faulty compasses misled him. Kinda like how ADA regulars are
>misleading everybody on twa 800.

Corrigan was one of the heroes of my boyhood. Indeed, I sometimes had
him confused with Lindberg. (Both made landfall in Ireland.)

He wasn't returning to LA. Everyone knew that! It was wink wink nudge
nudge. Of course he was trying to fly to Ireland, but couldn't get

all the best -- Dan Ford
email: www.danford.net/letters.htm#9

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