View Full Version : OT Lightning video

July 25th 08, 01:36 AM
Good time for admiring the skies when we shouldn't fly anyway.

My second attempt at putting together a video of lightning I took at
my house. Mother nature was very cooperative as I had a cell
approximately 5 miles to my west "strutting 'er stuff" with at minimum
1 Cloud to Cloud every 2 seconds and a Cloud to Ground once a minute
that I could see. There seemed to be a constant roll of thunder
during the storm. Total time of video for the 2 1/2 minutes spanned
40 minutes of actual time.


First 2 1/2 minutes were consolidated videos. I left some time
between lightning strikes to make the transitions feel more natural in
the video portion.

Last 2 1/2 minutes were frame captures of the lightning strikes both
CG and CC for a total of 41 strokes of lightning and 9 very pretty
flashes where you don't see the actual lightening. I was amazed while
analyzing frame by frame how many I missed seeing in the videos

