View Full Version : Somewhat OT. . . .

Scott Ferrin
June 7th 04, 11:42 PM
Sad thing is there are those that will go "huh? So what are they
trying to say?"

If Normandy Happened Today

Good Morning. It is June 4, 1944. Welcome to The Mullings Cable
Network's continuing coverage of: "Operation Overlord: What's Taking
So Long?" I'm Rich Rundling. Let's go first to MCN's White House
reporter, Greg Smith for the latest.

SMITH: Thank you, Rich. Hill Leaders have told MCN news that an
invasion of Europe is, in their words, "very, very imminent." These
sources, who have been privy to briefings by the Roosevelt War
Cabinet, tell us that "the number of troops, the number of ships, and
the sheer size of war materiel shipments" clearly point to an
invasion, possibly within the next 24 hours. Rich?

RUNDLING: Thank you, Greg. Now to the War Department and our reporter
there Jim Smith. Jim? What are your sources there saying about a
possible attack point?

SMITH: Well, Rich. Advisors to General Marshall are hinting at a
strike at Pas de Calais, perhaps as early as tomorrow. However we
believe this might well be disinformation and the real point of attack
will be at Normandy. We have learned that Ranger and Airborne elements
have been, in effect, rehearsing for the kind of terrain they are
likely to encounter on the Normandy beaches and that Airborne units
might be dropped in as early as tonight.

RUNDLING: So, Winston Churchill's famous phrase: "We shall fight on
the beaches..." now must be considered as a clearly coded message to
the French Resistance. For more on invasion plans, let's switch to
London and our MCN reporter Eric Smith. Eric what are you hearing
about where these troops may be going and when they might be going

SMITH: Rich, as you can see, the weather here is not good. Military
meteorologists have advised SHAEF Command to stand down for at least
the next 24 hours. If we can zoom in on this map behind me, you can
clearly see that the combination of time and tides is most favorable
for only the next 48 hours for a landing in France. Senior advisors to
General Eisenhower are aware of, and very concerned with, the reports
of growing impatience among many Americans with the amount of time it
has taken to mount this invasion.

RUNDLING: Indeed, many here are asking why it has taken two-and-a-half
years from the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941 to June
1944 to reach this point. Eric, if they can't go within that window,
what are Eisenhower's options?

SMITH: No good ones, Rich. Intelligence officers here in Britain are
worried that if this operation has to be delayed for as long as two
weeks, word will almost certainly leak to the German high command
allowing them to move their defensive forces from their current
location at Pas de Calais to behind the Atlantic Wall above Normandy.

RUNDLING: That would be unfortunate. Let's turn now to our MCN
military analyst retired General Theodore "Teddy" Smith, the famous
"Senior Seņor of Santiago Bay." General, you helped design the
invasion of Cuba in 1898 -- just 43 years ago -- during the
Spanish-American war, what do you make of this?

SMITH: Well, Rich, I'll use this map to illustrate. Assuming our
troops will try to cross these beaches here ... and ... here. And
assault these cliffs... here, then they will have to be supported by a
naval bombardment from... here. So, we expect the Hun is flying air
reconnaissance and will bring to bear their air assets to disrupt any
pre-invasion shelling as soon as Allied ships are detected in this
area ... here.

RUNDLING: What about tanks, General - the Panzer Divisions of General

SMITH: Rommel is almost certainly moving his Panzer Divisions behind
the Atlantic Wall ... here ... for use in a counterattack if and when
the Allied forces breach those lines.

RUNDLING: Now, to Christianne Smith on a satellite phone in the French
countryside. Christianne, what can you tell us?

SMITH: Rich, there is a growing sense of apprehension here about 40
miles away from what we assume will be the point of attack on the
beaches of Normandy either tomorrow or the next day. Mayor Jacques
Capituler is with me. Mayor, tell our viewers how you feel about the
coming invasion.

CAPITULER: We don't want to be liberated. We don't need to be
liberated. The Germans have established a perfectly workable
government, here. The Americans should go liberate someone else,
somewhere else.

RUNDLING: The thorny issue of civilian casualties and collateral
damage brought onto our living room screens from right there in
France, Thank you Christianne. To ... where? Ok, to Edward Smith with
the forces of General George Patton in Britain. Edward.

SMITH: Rich, I am here in Kent, England opposite the Pas de Calais
just across the English Channel which, if the weather were better, you
could see behind me. MCN can now confirm that the activity here in
Kent, which has been named "Operation Fortitude" is, for want of a
better phrase: A complete fake.

RUNDLING: Fake? Explain, please, for our viewers.

SMITH: MCN can now report that Patton has constructed, literally, a
phony army here. The tanks are cardboard. The planes are rubber. The
radio traffic is faked. Reports of troop movements are completely
fabricated. This operation, clearly, is designed to fool the Germans
in Europe and Americans back home into falsely believing that the
attack -- which we now think will come tomorrow if the weather lets up
-- will be aimed at Pas de Calais instead of Normandy.

RUNDLING: Excellent reporting, Edward. Joining me, now, in the studio
is MCN's Senior Ethics Advisor Emma Smith. Emma? What does it mean to
the American way of life when their very own government engages in
this kind of deliberately false and misleading information?

SMITH: The academic community has been warning for years that the
American government would too easily sacrifice the truth on the altar
of some alleged short-term military so-called advantage. "If the
people can't trust the word of their government," many of us are
asking, "then what we are fighting for in the first place?"

RUNDLING: Thank you, Emma Smith. And good luck with your exciting new
book: "The Soviet Experience; Success, Solidarity, and Stalin." We
have received a few e-mails from viewers expressing discomfort with
General Theodore Smith's use of a word to describe our German
adversaries, which, in some minds, is derogatory. MCN apologizes for
the use of the "H" word on our air.

So, there you have it. The Allied Expeditionary Forces will, in fact,
invade Europe not at Pas de Calais as the American public had been
lead to believe, but at Normandy. And, that attack will take place
either tomorrow or the next day, depending upon the weather.

This is Rich Rundling, MCN News. Now back to Imus.

Paul J. Adam
June 9th 04, 12:53 AM
In message >, Scott Ferrin
> writes
>Sad thing is there are those that will go "huh? So what are they
>trying to say?"

Scott, you missed Goebbels insisting that the invaders had all been
massacred on the beach and were now having their bellies roasted in Hell

He thinks too much: such men are dangerous.
Julius Caesar I:2

Paul J. Adam MainBox<at>jrwlynch[dot]demon{dot}co(.)uk
