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Threads in Forum : Instrument Flight Rules Forum Tools Search this Forum Feed Icon
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Is an LDA w/GS a "Precision" approach? by [email protected]
On Friday, September 3, 1999 at 12:00:00 AM UTC-7, Gene Hudson wrote: Garner Miller wrote: OK, I'm in need of some 100% trivial information. I have a friend going for an airline interview next week, and rumor has it they're going to whip out an approach plate with an "LDA with...
August 5th 20 04:52 AM
by [email protected] Go to last post
0 44,332
Flight of two, IFR by Doug
Is it possible for a "flight of two" to file and fly an IFR flight plan?
(Multi-page thread 1 2 3)
January 13th 20 01:12 PM
by Paul Tomblin Go to last post
21 21,042
Is an LDA w/GS a "Precision" approach? by [email protected]
FAA Ops Specs for air carriers have a middle column for types of approved approaches called “APV” - Approaches with Vertical Guidance, LDA-GS is listed in this column and not under Precision Approach. I’d give that answer in an interview, even though Instrument ACS would allow it to be...
December 19th 18 12:58 AM
by [email protected] Go to last post
0 14,970
Lion Air by Sam Spade
The gooks have ditched the CVR
November 20th 18 01:55 AM
by Sam Spade Go to last post
0 8,422
Aircraft slides for sale @ £1 each by [email protected]
Vast selection of civil and military slides for sale at £1 each. www.planeslides.com
July 2nd 17 05:23 PM
by Sam Spade Go to last post
1 16,179
Shifting Isogonic Lines? by [email protected]
Pretty neat seeing how old this discussion us, and pretty sad to see that people were expecting to have the VOR phased out by 2001. Here we are in 2017 and still use them. Hopefully with the FAA's "NextGen" they have going, maybe we will honestly see the VOR go away in a few more years.
June 24th 17 09:24 PM
by Sam Spade Go to last post
1 9,620
arrow static port? by [email protected]
On Sunday, August 29, 1999 at 3:00:00 PM UTC+8, Bruce E. Haddad wrote: It's in the pitot tube. It's one of the holes to the rear of the unit. It was incorporated so it would be easy to keep warm in icing conditions. Bruce Mark Tanner wrote in message...
May 22nd 17 02:34 AM
by [email protected] Go to last post
0 9,765
Altimeter: Hot to cold = look out below?! by [email protected]
On Friday, October 29, 1999 at 12:00:00 AM UTC-7, Mark Kolber wrote: jcrogin wrote : I mean, cold air is more dense than hot air. So if you fly from hot to cold, why doesn't your altimeter think you're flying lower, rather than higher? What am I...
September 6th 16 05:57 PM
by [email protected] Go to last post
0 12,552
Can I log SIC under 135 IFR? by [email protected]
In an interview I had recently, I was told the nearly 300 hours I'd logged as SIC in a C208B for a Scheduled 135 EAS provider was not able to be counted in my logbook for Total Flight Time calculations. I had received a 135.293; 135.297 and 135.299 check ride and have said endorsements on my...
June 16th 15 03:55 AM
by kowel pazanjian Go to last post
1 15,002
Radio Protocol re "Flight Level" by [email protected]
We just got "climb and maintain 18000" yesterday, which is why I am here now. I content that a clearance to 18000 means using local altimeter, while FL180 would use 29.92.
January 27th 15 08:08 PM
by Sam Spade Go to last post
3 12,294
This Newsgroup is Dead by Sam Spade
It has been taken over by an angry homo or two.
December 12th 14 02:07 AM
by Sam Spade Go to last post
0 10,896
Altimeter: Hot to cold = look out below?! by [email protected]
It seems that based on the way the altimeter works, the pressure is directly proportional to the difference between the pressure set in the Kollsman Window, and the outside air pressure. So the greater this difference, the greater the altimeter's altitude reading. When flying from a warmer area to...
October 27th 14 06:17 AM
by [email protected] Go to last post
0 11,455
Nav Comm Gear for the Group by Sam Spade
This piece of avionics is as current as this group: http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa214/aterpster/1-Narco_Omnigator_MKII_zps429f78f1.jpg
June 9th 14 06:01 PM
by Sam Spade Go to last post
0 12,220
Berlin Airlift, IFR by Paul[_4_]
Anybody know what type of instrument approaches were used to fly the airlift into Berlin in the 40s?
(Multi-page thread 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
June 3rd 14 12:02 AM
by [email protected] Go to last post
41 35,054
Is an LDA w/GS a "Precision" approach? by [email protected]
On Sunday, September 5, 1999 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, David Stocker wrote: I'm based in ROA and last flew the LDA 6 approach a couple of days ago. It's a very interesting example (see plate at http://rev.net/~stockerd/images/Aviation/ROA_LDA_6.pdf). The straight-in LDA 6 has the lowest...
May 30th 14 01:51 AM
by Sam Spade Go to last post
1 14,344
flying LPV with Garmin G1000 & King KAP140 WAAS by [email protected]
I'm a little new to this airplane and tried to fly an LPV approach on autopilot. I had the approach activated and was outside the FAF at approx 30 degree intercept, when I pressed AP, then APR. It turned on course properly but never captured the glide path. What am I doing wrong? thanks Rick
July 17th 13 06:41 PM
by [email protected] Go to last post
3 12,647
Free FAA written exam software by [email protected]
You can replace your paper exam with Skill Evaluation. Automated Evaluation after test complete. For about product information at http://www.epractizelabs.com/online-test/index.html Take a free Glance at http://www.onlineexamlab.com/sel/register.html
May 18th 13 01:25 PM
by [email protected] Go to last post
0 11,095
Living in one place or always moving for a good job, house, or even climate: by [email protected]
Hi there! Youre new citizen and youre crestfallen about this new environment. Dont be worry. I am going to tell you how to find a place to live. Well, if you want a place to live you need to find a good place. With society proceeding, people have many thinking about the life. Some people prefer...
March 5th 13 09:46 AM
by [email protected] Go to last post
0 11,390
Where are VASIs located on a field ? by [email protected]
Where are VASIs located on a field that doesn't have an ILS ? Is it a certain number of feet from end of runway ? Does it depend on runway length ? If you want to land on a short runway when is it safe to dip below VASI ? Must there be a certain number of hundreds of feet from the threshold...
January 13th 13 02:02 AM
by brian whatcott Go to last post
2 10,692
Mystery planes over Los Angeles this week by doughelo
This week (July 10 & 11 2012) I've seen large unidentified vintage aircraft flying south from Pasadena towards downtown Los Angeles, 2 or 3 motor, low wing, and slab-sided. The first time there two of them, escorted by a number of single engine planes, and the next day just one unescorted. Does...
July 13th 12 12:10 AM
by Sam Spade Go to last post
1 11,815
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