Opportunities for CFIs by
[email protected]
Third Coast Aviation (TCA) is happy to announce that we are currently looking for a full time Certified Flight Instructor. If you know of any one, please pass the word that TCA is offering a wonderful opportunity for Certified Flight instructors who join our organization. We are offering $24,000...
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Cessna 310 Crashes On LA Freeway by
Larry Dighera
There's no denying that engine failure is twice as likely with a twin
engine aircraft.
June 30, 2017
Both occupants of a twin Cessna survived a crash on the 405 freeway
shortly after departure from John Wayne Airport. The...
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June 22, 2017 - AOPA, GA groups oppose ATC privatization by
Larry Dighera
AOPA, GA groups oppose ATC privatization
What would Regain have done if ATC personnel had not been government
Privatization of essential services has always worked out well; just
look at the privatization of electricity in...
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3,222 |
Airbus' Urban Air Mobility Roadmap leads to an electric future by
Larry Dighera
Airbus' Urban Air Mobility Roadmap leads to an electric future
Mike Hanlon June 20, 2017
The electric attraction in Paris this year from Airbus was the
Vahana, an electric VTOL single ...
The electric attraction...
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Watch the F-35 in its first public aerobatic demonstration by
Larry Dighera
Watch the F-35 in its first public aerobatic demonstration
Darren Quick June 20, 2017
The F-35 takes to the skies over Paris in its first public aerial
The F-35 takes to the skies over Paris in its...
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Santa Monica Deal To Be Reviewed by
Larry Dighera
While the FAA has shown once again, after its pathetic effort in the
Megis field battle, that it has no backbone, the judicial system
intervenes in the KSMO fight in the name of safety and justice. ...
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Ferry Pilot Still Missing Lori Love by
Just a Reminder it can Happen to High Time Pilot,
She was Lost Between Acra, Ghana And Namabia!
Was Searching through My E-mail Came across Her Resume, Was fun to be
stranded in Goosebay with her!
Curriculum Vita
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3,450 |
PA 28 Control Yoke by
[email protected]
Piper Cherokee / Warrior / or Archer. Looking for one measurement for the control column. With trim set at neutral while flying any power setting: Distance from control panel to back side of control yoke. I have full control yoke travel measurements. ( from instrument panel to back side of control...
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3,201 |
Harrison Ford Mistakenly Lands Husky On KSNA Taxiway by
Larry Dighera
Is it time for venerated pilot Harrison Ford to ground himself for less than
adequate judgment skills to act as Pilot In Command?
The runway is the one with the big "20L" painted on its near-end.
This ignominious incident is worse than Senator Inhoff's landing on a taxiway
because there was a...
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United Airlines, We put the "Hospital" in "Hospitality"! by
Air Gestapo
Find us on http://www.facebook.com/flightorg. On the 9th April,
2017, a man was forcibly removed from United Airlines Flight
3411 in Chicago, set for Louisville. While we'd normally say
that until we have all the information, we have no information...
( 1 2 3 ... Last Page)
April 29th 17 11:21 PM
by Petzl
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Hydrogen autonomous VTOL ?ying car by
Larry Dighera
Hydrogen VTOL In The Works
By Mary Grady | April 17, 2017
Metro Skyways said on Monday they plan to develop a four-passenger,
hydrogen-powered, autonomous VTOL flying car, the CityHawk. The vehicle will
initially use...
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Chino California "Planes of Fame" Show Faces Possible Shutdown by
Larry Dighera
First the great aviation museum at KSNA run by the late Paul Mantz and Frank
Tallman disappears, then the magnificent Supermarine air museum at Santa
Monica KSMO is closed, now the vast collection of vintage aircraft at Chino
KCNO is threatened.
Aviation history is in the cross hairs of...
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3,241 |
PA-28 Archer Yoke center measurement by
[email protected]
Looking for a control yoke measurement. Backside of control yoke to instrument panel when TRIM SET AT NEUTRAL at any power setting and at any weight .
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FAA 20-Year Forecast Predicts Gradual Decline In Light GA by
Larry Dighera
FAA 20-Year Forecast Predicts Gradual Decline In Light GA
Fleet size and hours flown are expected to decrease roughly 0.8% annually
over the next 20 years, says the FAA in its annual Aerospace Forecast. The
Aerospace Forecast predicts that...
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3,026 |
Harry (BUD) Dirgo by
[email protected]
Omg I don't know if this will work but My Uncle Harry (BUD) Dirgo, Omaha Nebr. Passed away March 12th.2017 It says in his obit he was a member of the Quiet Birdmen. He was 92 years old and had been retired for years. I just thought I would try to notify someone in the Quiet Birdmen which seems...
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Is BOB HOOVER still alive???? by
aviation buff
....and if so,, what is he doing these days to keep busy.
hi all,
I just tuned in the History Channel and there he was, for brief moment.
Amazing, that in the 30 years I've followed his stunt flying with
Rockwell, he hasn't aged one bit--he looked 80ish in the 1970's and he
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High Altitude Wake Turbulence Below Airbus A380 Damages Challenger 604 BizJet by
Larry Dighera
Wake Turbulence Writes Off Challenger Bizjet
The Aviation Herald is reporting that the European Aviation Safety Agency is
about to issue a safety information bulletin about high altitude wake
turbulence after a Challenger 604 business jet was...
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Spirit Airlines Doper Pilot,Doper Wife Found Dead From Apparent Heroin Overdose by
Mandatory Drug Testing ALL Pilots
A Spirit Airlines pilot and his wife were found dead in their
home by their four children this week in what officials believe
may have been an accidental overdose.
Brian Halye, 36, and his wife Courtney Halye, 34, were found
unresponsive Thursday in their Centerville, Ohio home after two
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